You can create your personalized magnet via Rue Du Print, the number 1 online printing company. From your favorite photos, photography of your company, logo or other, we create your square photo magnet tailored.
We offer the magnet in a square shape, with laminated surfaces, in dimensions 55×55 mm. The printing technique that we adopt in this creative process is four-color printing. To grant a high quality visual in different colors, nothing beats using this new method. Our equipment and our know-how give you a impeccable communication support. This will give you the chance to have good visibility.
Building customer loyalty, making a memorable and valuable gift, making an impression on prospects, all of this makes the square photo magnet is an excellent communication and effective decoration tool whether you are an individual, an SME or a large firm.
To help you showcase yourself, we can respond to more extensive needs upon quote. Furthermore, the use of personalized magnet can extend beyond a simple business gift, it can convey a message anywhere as long as you clearly delimit what to place it on.