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To guarantee optimal security of your premises, the use of membership cards and identification associations is a necessity.

Limit access to your doors using the card

Currently, access control is become a trend for a large number of companies. Indeed, they understood the importance of limiting access with membership cards and association identification. For certain people who are not authorized to circulate in this or that department of the entity.

Rue Du Print deploys the printing solution

We have the know-how and skills necessary to design identification cards for each of your employees. The card is an excellent tool for protecting your workshop from any intrusion. We are responsible for fulfilling all predefined limitations. If you want to ensure that some of your employees cannot go through the main door, only through the door reserved for them, you can take advantage of our configuration membership cards and association identification.

All businesses have a wide choice in style

We make it possible to choose from different styles of cards. THE plastic cards are widely used by universities and schools. We also manufacture staff identification cards from the airport, organizations of all kinds, who wish strengthen security in their enclosure.

Membership card: grant to members of a community

In addition to providing solutions to protect establishments against the passage of pre-authorized people, we also create membership and association identification cards. Often used as an access tool to come to the library, a gym, an institution.

Using all styles and types of membership cards and association identification that we offer, you can guarantee optimal security of your establishment in the long term. You can request a online quote if you need a tailor-made card.